Oslo Nye Teater is Mansoft’s third Norwegian theatre customer after the Theatron promotion in Norway started some half a year ago. We at Mansoft hope and trust that this will be a long relationship. There is a clear need for a solution like Theatron & Intranet - combining a state of the art production planning system and mobility together. Oslo Nye Teater is one of Norway's leading theatres with an average of 140 000 annual visitors. The theatre employs approximately 90 permanent employees and operates four scenes. Oslo Nye Teater is owned by the City of Oslo. Oslo Nye Teater will implement both Theatron and Intranet and they will be integrated into theatres existing payroll and human recourse systems, forming a comprehensive solution for production planning and information sharing. Read more about Oslo Nye Teater.
Photo is from Oslo Nye Teaters Suffløren