



We are happy to introduce Dalateatern (Falun, Sweden), the latest Theatron customer!

The theatre started as an independent group in 1973 but became a county theatre 2 years later. Dalateatern provides its audience (kids and adults) with a great varied repertory, from newly written plays to classics. In 1974, Swedish government “adopted a broad-based cultural policy program that still forms the basis of cultural policy today. […] The purpose of creating regional theaters in Sweden was to increase accessibility to theater both geographically and socially, while at the same time providing conditions for continued high quality in the artistic practice”.

Dalateatern employs around 35 permanent people, which work together to create about three to five productions per year. On top of this, they also tour around neighboring counties. One of their main mission statements is to help improve Dalarna county’s social environment, reduce prejudices and support equality.

The reason for Dalateatern to choose Theatron as their planning tool, according to Eva Erdman, Production manager: "We chose Theatron because, at the end of the day it was THE program that would be the best according to our activities".

Read more about Dalateatern here.
Read more about Theatron here.

Header's photo by: Per Eriksson (Andra sidan production)


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